
Showing posts from April, 2013

Shocking News!!!

BONN just LERNt the Chicken got together with the Goat and there were sparks flying in the animal farm. How we say, the sh@t just got serias!!!!! The Chicken left his love bites all over the Goatie... Love is in the air...

Damn Enough Arms' Race Already Report - The Electric Black Sabbath!!!

It's been a while since we had another Arms' Race Report and the Lani, he doesn't like to disappoint. He gathered TallieTagone, Waala the juicer, Gaatie the innocent and BObbie the fat and promised them long. Alas, What kak he chewns. Tallie decided to put the pace down and hurt everyBOdy's feelings... Lani den complained he needs refreshment and lead the unknownings to a friendly local bike store some where at Princess Crossing... Whilst the Waala did some back store room business, Lani offered the friendly lady who ran the friendly bike store a fiver. Friendly lady who ran the bike store almost had a stroke. Gaatie seeing the moment decided to go hard, no milk, throws down another fiver. You can imagine the result... The Electric Black Sabbath!!! The Aero Black Sabbath!!! The Foil Black Sabbath!!! Gaatie claims he's Italian and he only rides Italian piece. Lani say zies one is Scotti, new Italian, ju just cont see the "i"...

The Arms Race Report - The None Of Our Business Edition

LOOK, so this is technically someBOdy else's Arms Race but it's the Lani, he knows people, and this person wants to be on the list... according to the Lani... Aaron Brown, former Argus and 94 Champ's new steed! Aaron's De Rosa is equipped with a 2012 Slipram Red and Madfiber wheels. Crap: I don't FELT it... Gaat: How maach? Waala: Those are big wheels... Dinki: Personally I am a Pina man myself... Tubs: Does pros ride with lights on the seat post? Chicken: I think the setup is not right... Pa: My Specialized is prettier... Tallie: Does Peter ride this? Taggie: What's with the heart? Is that a girl bike? BObbie: Sliperam on a De Rosa?!!! Sacrilege...

Dreams and Hopes...

As with all aspiring cyclists out there, B.O.'s all have their heroes too. It's what helps them to inspire themselves, to motivate and to achieve. The very image of their heroes succeeding that burns deep into their memory banks so that when they are hurting, they go harder. When it's cold, they go harder. When it's windy, they go harder. When they get dropped, they go harder. It's what their hero would do. So we go deep inside our B.O.'s dreams to find the very hero in them, it's what makes them. Lani dreams himself as this... Tallie always falls for the wrong dream, first it was Andy, now it's Peter... Lolly dreams to suffer like Jens! Pops still believes in him and his dream... Dinki lived his dream... Crap fuels his dream... Tubs wants in a dream... Goat wants to pass his dream... Waale: (still dreaming) Just you wait till I juice up!!! Chicken's nightmare... Katy in other people's drea...